This course will provide an overview of the principles and fundamentals of FT-IR spectroscopy in Clinical Microbiology, as well as diverse applications including strain differentiation and typing and its potential value for outbreak management and pathogen surveillance. It aims at providing robust and state-of-the art knowledge on different experimental workflows for spectra acquisition and data analysis and an expert discussion on the perspectives of its development as a diagnostic method. See the full Programme. Register here.
El trauma en el duelo
At Kruse Plaza, we take pride in partnering with you to create stunning, seamless, and memorable events. We recognize that with the constantly changing COVID situation around the world, this is an unprecedented time for everyone. We always uphold the highest standards of health and safety at KrusePlaza, but given the circumstances, we are taking extra measures recommended by the CDC to maintain our standards of cleanliness. This includes installing virus-reducing air purifiers and providing personal protective equipment face masks to employees and guests.
Mon-Friday - Click Here To Visit Nursery! Monday - Sunday.
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